Thursday, September 03, 2009

Feel Teal for Ovarian Cancer Awareness!

A good friend who's always quick to congratulate and help a long list of people she networks with, socially, on one of the large social networking sites as well as on various forums for POD designers asked, today, if someone would please help her raise awareness for Ovarian Cancer. Nobody stepped up. Not a soul.

I missed her 1st request, but saw her 2nd request a couple of hours afer she'd made the first one and couldn't believe nobody stepped up. Since I don't have a broad readership here, anymore, due to my lack of time to add new things for you to read here, I'd like to ask the couple of you who've stuck with me this long to pay this forward by posting something about Ovarian Cancer to your own blog, MySpace, FaceBook, Twitter and/or any other social networking venue or information sharing site you might use. I'll even make it easy by writing this in tweet-sized text bites you can cut and paste!! Thanks in advance!!!

President Obama signed a proclamation naming September National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.

Feel Teal for Ovarian Cancer Awareness! Tomorrow is Feel Teal Friday!

There is no screening for Ovarian Cancer and no symptoms until it's too late!

Every 10 hours, a woman dies from Ovarian Cancer.

Help raise funds for an early detection test for Ovarian Cancer:

Learn about Ovarian Cancer: